The aim of the Wet Arbeidsmarkt in Balans (WAB, Labour Market in Balance Act) is to improve the balance between fixed and flexible contracts on the Dutch labour market. It must be more attractive for employers to offer employees an employment contract with a fixed number of hours and for an indefinite period of time.
The most important components of the WAB are:
The employee will be entitled to the transitional allowance as from the first working day as from 01-01-2020 instead of an employee having to be in service for at least two years.
To assist you with regard to this process, you will have the following functions at your disposal as from this version:
The Keuzebudget (Individual choice budget) is a budget of the employee that can be freely spent that the employee can spend in addition to his/her current salary. The employee can determine on what and when the budget will be spent.
A number of optimisations have been implemented with regard to this:
A manager sometimes doesn't get around to dealing with all ESS workflows... therefore you can now delegate a set of tasks of a manager to another employee.
for instance, a manager may delegate a set of tasks regarding leave and absence to an employee. The emplyoee will then become responsible for dealing with workflows that normally go to the manger. The employee can also submit new MSS workflows.