New in Profit 17



New crediting method for Flex correction claims

A new crediting method is available for Flex correction claims:  Set off correction invoice per customer agreement. You can use this to invoice all correction claims of one customer agreement on one invoice regardless of the set collection method.


You must set this at a high level in the sales contact profile. You may deviate from this in the customer agreement and when invoicing the correction claims.


Expansion of the insight into receivables for the back office

The overview menu Outstanding claims with the outstanding claims of employees has been renamed into: Employee claims. This menu now includes two views where you will not just see the employees with an outstanding balance, but now also all employees who have had a claim. 


The menu was directed towards the 'Convert claims to debtor' functionality, which meant that a consolidated outstanding balance of claims was displayed per employee. This view has been kept and has the following name: Total per employee.

In addition, a second view has been added: All claims. You will see here all claims per employee (not consolidated). This view gives you a better insight into the claims in relation to all employees. This ensures that it is easy to determine which employee has an outstanding advance or which employees have claims that will 'soon' expire. You can open the properties of the relevant claim through this view.


Report end of employment for Flex employee retroactively

You can now report the end of employment of a Flex employee using the wizard in InSite, while claims were processed after the desired End of employment date.