New in Profit 11 - Flex

Discover what is new for the Flex Sector

Optimisation of secondment with the Flex functionality

It is now also possible for secondment companies to use a number of flex functions. Now, for example, you get extensive options in relation to the customer agreement and placement.

Before you start to configure the details, it is important to clarify the definition of secondment when compared to placing. The following characteristics apply with regard to secondment in relation to Profit:

  • You pay salaries based on period payment via the Salary processing cockpit. You, for example, work with monthly payments.

  • You employees have fixed salaries based on contracts per employee.

  • You deal with RAE entries in Profit Payroll.

  • The seconded worker enters his/her hours for the secondment company and the customer, in particular, for invoicing.

Now there are three activations for the placement and secondment market. You only activate the first one as a secondment company:

  1. Flex - You will get new menu options with this in Profit HRM and Projects such as the customer agreement, the cost price model and placement. This includes the functionality with regard to Phase counting and StiPP pension.
  2. Claim processing - for paying temporary workers. You do not use this one as a secondment company.
  3. Employee with several employers - This ensures you can link one person and user to at most five employers and therefore get five employees for the person/user.

Now, the hourly wage of the employment of the employee will become visible in the wage agreement.

In addition, claims are now split with regard to interrupted weeks.

Actual costing import optimised

The Find item code in wage agreement setting has been added in the Actual costing import. If you select this setting, the item code in the import will be matched as much as possible with the item codes in the wage agreement of the placement in relation to the import of actual costing lines.

The import will be better processed with this field because the number of reports in the log file will decrease.

Convert receivable to debtor

It regularly occurs  that a candidate's end of employment is reported while an amount reminder must still be claimed. Until now you claimed the salary that was paid in excess outside the salary administration. You created a debtor for this and added an outstanding item for this debtor. This used to be a time-consuming process.

As from now, you can convert the claim with one action to a new debtor. Via a view with all outstanding claims, you easily convert the claim to a new debtor. A new debtor is created automatically for the candidate and the total to be claimed is entered automatically on an outstanding item. The further processing thereof runs via the financial administration.

Cost price model optimised

You can now do more with the cost price model:

  • The functionality with regard to the cost price model now fall used the Flex activation.
  • The cost price model can now be made date dependent. When a cost price model is defined in the customer agreement, you must enter a start and end date.

Calculated cost price factor - Rate structure in Cost price model component lines

The following applies if you have the cost price factor calculated by Profit instead of entering it yourself.

If there is a deviating factor in a cost price component, the other components in the cost price model will be recalculated automatically. This will then result in a newly calculated cost price factor. For example: if the number of days holiday changes, this will determine all other factors.

A deviating factor will now be recalculated faster and clearer by using the levels of the rate structure. You will find the Type field in the properties of a cost price component. You can link there the cost price component to a level within the cost price calculation. The cost price component types can now be placed in sequence with the rate structure action. This rate structure will, next, be used as a level count to recalculate the cost price component lines if a deviation occurs.

Calculated cost price factor - Day reservation

You can define a day reservation for the cost price components as a basis. Any deviations can be defined in one of the cost price models. You can add deviations for each phase, placement method and contract type.

You can, for example, use a deviating absenteeism due to being sick through the day reservation line for each phase. The results for each phase can be found on the Flex margin overview dashboard.

Flex margin overview dashboard

When you have configure that the cost price components must be calculated in Profit (and not to be entered as a factor), you can consult valuable information in the new Flex margin overview dashboard. This will ensure that you can continue clicking until the detail level since the details are also calculated!

This dashboard is only available after activating Claims processing.

Checking overview of invoiced actual costing dashboard

You can check claims by using this overview. You can therefore, for example, continue clicking to check whether claims have not yet been invoiced but have been paid. Or you can check whether a claim includes normal hours set to 'do not charge'. 

This dashboard is only available after activating Claims processing.


Hour type

  • The Payroll integration not required setting has been added to the property screen and the new wizard of the hour type. When a line is added to the item set, the hour types that have been selected will be excluded from the check in relation to the Payroll integration. You can therefore now add work types to item sets without a wage component having been linked to the hour type.

  • The Inclusion in public holiday hours setting is now also available when creating a new hour type. Previously, it was only available after creation.


In relation to a correction claim (reversing and correction), the processing data is now set to the current processing week.

You can now also reverse a claim in the Claim cockpit with the Undo approval action if it can be found at To pay. This must be authorised first.

Wage agreement

Now, a new wage agreement version is always made if you change the rate factor or percentage margin even when the sales rate does not change.